SUMMARY: Create bulleted, numbered, and multilevel (such as outline) lists without using the Ribbon. Do you often need to create bulleted, numbered, and multilevel (e.g. outline) lists in…
Microsoft Word 2010
SUMMARY: In Word 2010, if there is too much white space between pages when viewing documents in Print Layout View, here’s how to reduce it. When viewing Microsoft…
SUMMARY: Embed fonts inside your Word 2010 documents to ensure others can see your texts as designed. If you plan on exporting a Microsoft Word 2010 document to…
UMMARY: Overwrite existing text in Word 2010 documents simply by pressing the Insert key. Normally when you type inside pre-existing text in a Microsoft Word 2010document, your new…
UMMARY: Prevent potentially embarrassing mistakes by turning off a Microsoft Word spell check “feature” 5his s3ntence c0mpletely pass3s the sp3llchecker in M8crosoft W0rd…
SUMMARY: Prevent Word 2010 from showing recently-accessed documents, and clear the list of recently-opened document locations. Microsoft Word 2010, similar to other Office 2010 applications, keeps a list…
UMMARY: A 3-part tip to removing all formatting, highlighting, and style from a selected block of text. While editing a complex Microsoft Word 2010 document, you might have…