Print Preview Multiple Pages at Once
Summary: Got a large monitor? Preview several pages of your Microsoft Word 2003 documents simultaneously.
If you have a large monitor with a high resolution (1024×768 at a recommended minimum), you can preview multiple pages at once with Microsoft Word 2003. This might save you time during the proofreading process, plus it can give you a better idea of how the document flows from one page to the next.
1. Open a document to preview.
2. Select “File” – “Print Preview”.
3. To the left of the “zoom” pull-down you should see a button looking like a green square with four white squares in the middle. Click it. This is the “Multiple Pages” button.
4. Select how many pages across and how many pages vertically you wish to view simultaneously. Note that the more pages you view, the smaller the text. Options include:
* 1 x 1
* 1 x 2
* 1 x 3
* 2 x 1
* 2 x 2
* 2 x 3
If you wish to go back to only previewing one page at a time, click the button to the left, “One Page”.