Microsoft Word 2003 Document Viewing and Navigation – Quickly Navigate Your Documents

Editing a large and complicated Microsoft Word 2003 document? To make changes or proof text, do you need to quickly jump to a specific page number, section, line, bookmark, comment, footnote, or endnote? Don’t scroll through your entire document; use the “Go To” feature to quickly navigate the text. To use this feature, either:

1. Select “Edit” – “Go To”.


2. Press CONTROL-G.

A “Go To” dialog box will appear. Underneath “Go to what” select where you wish to go in the document, then enter the specifics in the text box to the right. For example, to jump to page 42 in a document, select “Page” then enter “42” next to “Enter page number”.

Be sure to read the dialog box notes to see how you can move multiple pages, sections, etc. relative to the current location with the “+” and “-” modifiers.