SUMMARY: Prevent PowerPoint 2010 from even asking to save ink annotations after a presentation.
When you give presentations with Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, you might choose to use the Pen or Highlighter tools. These can draw attention to a portion of a slide, draw shapes, write text, etc.
After exiting a presentation, PowerPoint 2010 asks if you want to save these ink annotations. However, if you give the same presentation to multiple audiences, the annotations may only be for the benefit of one group of people and do not need to be kept. So why have PowerPoint ask you this when you can configure an option that automatically discards them?
1. Select the “File” tab in the Ribbon.
2. The Microsoft Office Backstage View appears. Click the “Options” button.
(Or instead of steps 1 and 2, press Alt + T, then the letter O.)
3. The “PowerPoint Options” dialog box appears. Click “Advanced” in the left pane.
4. Underneath “Slide Show”, uncheck “Prompt to keep ink annotations when exiting “.
Preventing PowerPoint 2010 from asking you to keep ink annotations after a presentation
5. Click “OK” on the bottom-right of the dialog box to close it.