Show Thumbnails of Your Document Pages

SUMMARY: See thumbnails of each page of your Word 2010 document for easier navigation instead of jumping around willy-nilly.

Designing a large Microsoft Word 2010 document and need to remember how certain pages appear? Do you need to jump to a specific page in your document that contains a graph, picture, two-column layout, or other visual feature but don’t remember what page it is on? Are you tired of jumping around your document willy-nilly? If desired, open up a Navigation Pane and display page thumbnails to the left of your edited document.

1. If the Navigation Pane is not currently open to the left of your document, click the “View” tab on the Ribbon. In the “Show” section, check “Navigation Pane”.

Viewing the Navigation Pane in Word 2010

2. The Navigation Pane should appear to the left of your document. Click the middle button that looks like four squares (hover your mouse pointer over it and you should see the text “Browse the pages in your document”).

Page thumbnails should now appear. Unless you are displaying Word 2010 in a small window or running Windows in a low resolution, you should be able to increase the Pane’s size to view more thumbnails simultaneously, if desired:

1. Move your mouse directly to the border of the right side of the Navigation Pane. The mouse pointer should turn into a double-sided arrow.

2. Click and drag the mouse pointer to the right to increase the size of the Navigation Pane. Clicking and dragging to the left will decrease its size. Be sure to provide enough room onscreen so you can still edit your document without horizontal scrolling.

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