In this disclaimer, the term “Tips For Word Processing” refers to all of the pages on this web site created by Andrew Malek of Envision Programming which includes, but is not limited to, tips and tricks, software links, and links to external websites.
In this disclaimer, the end-user refers to anyone viewing “Tips For Word Processing” in any form, including electronic or printed material.
The tips on “Tips For Word Processing” contain a varied amount of information, with some appropriate for beginning users while other information is geared toward the more technically-adept individuals. Many of the tips involving modifying key system configuration files and some require modifying other files on a computer, either by the user or a written program. While Andrew Malek has examined the tips displayed on the “Tips For Word Processing”, he can not be held responsible for any damage, accidental or otherwise, that results from the attempted or full utilization of any tips shown. Andrew Malek, Envision Programming, their employees, their associates, and their Internet providers are not responsible for any time or productivity lost by the attempted or full utilization of any tips shown on the “Tips For Word Processing” page. The end-user is responsible for any action taken when he/she attempts or fully utilizes tips shown on the “Tips For Word Processing” page. If the end-user does not wish to take this responsibility, then the end-user should not attempt or fully utilize tips shown on the “Tips For Word Processing” page.
It is urged to make backups of system information and/or possibly all of the contents of a computer before attempting or fully utilizing tips found on “Tips For Word Processing.” In the case of formulas, macros, batch files, or other code found in some of the tips on “Tips For Word Processing,” it is urged to study the source code carefully before attempting or fully utilizing such tip found on “Tips For Word Processing” to reduce the potential of damage or productivity loss. It is urged to test each trick listed on “Tips For Word Processing” first with data or information that is either backed up or that which is ok to be lost.
Software listed on or linked from “Tips For Word Processing” may not necessarily be written by Envision Programming or Andrew Malek, and the software listed on “Tips For Word Processing” may not have any association with Envision Programming or Andrew Malek. Since software listed on “Tips For Word Processing” are links to external web servers not under the control of Envision Programming or Andrew Malek, Andrew Malek, Envision Programming, their employees, their associates, or their Internet providers can not guarantee the content of such software or the servers to which the end-user will connect to in the attempt to transfer the software. The aforementioned parities are not responsible for the attempted or full usage of any software listed on “Tips For Word Processing,” and they are not responsible for any damage caused, in whole or in part, by the utilization of software and links, including: virus attacks on a computer, productivity loss due to the usage of such software, and software not working to its advertised potential.
“Tips For Word Processing” contains advertisements for various companies and organizations (these may or may not be marked by the word “advertisement” above such pictures or text.) Neither Andrew Malek, Envision Programming, their employees, their associates, nor their Internet providers shall be responsible for any claims made by such advertisers or their advertisements, or for any damages caused by visiting the advertisers’ websites. Envision Programming and Andrew Malek may or may not be directly associated with the advertisers.
Envision Programming and Andrew Malek will make every attempt possible to keep “Tips For Word Processing” online. However, neither Andrew Malek, Envision Programming, their employees, their associates, nor their Internet providers are responsible for the site going “offline” for any period of time and will not be responsible for any inconveniences or potential loss of income that occur due to “Tips For Word Processing” going “offline”.
The contents of “Tips For Word Processing” which include the layout and text for “Tips For Word Processing” are copyright ©2008 Andrew Malek of Envision Programming, except for the cases of elements of “Tips For Word Processing” that may be protected by a prior copyright. As such, those elements of “Tips For Word Processing” protected by a prior copyright are copyrighted by their respective companies.
The images on Tips For Word Processing are copyright ©2008 Andrew Malek of Envision Programming and its licensors. All rights reserved. Product screenshots are used for illustrative purposes only, and do not represent endorsement of Tips For Word Processing or Envision Programming by the product owners. Product photos are used for illustrative purposes only, and do not represent endorsement of Tips For Word Processing or Envision Programming by the product manufacturers. Product screenshots may vary depending on several factors including, but not limited to, product configuration, product add-ons, different versions of the product, product ‘skins’, and operating system configuration and themes.