Summary: Underline selected text with waves, dots, double-underlines, colored underlines, and more.
With Word 2003, when you highlight text and press the “U” button for underline, the text is underlined with one solid line. Did you know you could, instead, insert a wavy underline, a double underline, a dotted underline, and more? To do so:
1. Highlight text you want to underline.
2. Right-click and choose “Font”.
3. When the “Font” multi-tabbed dialog box appears, select the “Font” tab.
4. Click on the “Underline style” pull-down and choose your desired style of underlining. Look at the “Preview” box to see how your underline will look on selected text.
5, Click on the “Underline color” pull-down to make the color of the underline different from the color of the selected text. Look at the “Preview” box to see how your underline will look on selected text.
6. When done, click “OK” to close the dialog box.