Summary: Save a copy of an Excel 2007 Workbook that older Excel users can view and edit.
Without installing updates, older Microsoft Excel users cannot read or edit documents saved in the native Microsoft Excel 2007 file format. Thus, you may need to save copies of documents in a previous format so others can read and edit your workbooks.
1. Click the “Office” button at the top-left of Microsoft Excel.
2. Select “Save As” in the left pane of the pop-up menu.
3. In the right pane, select “Excel 97-2003 Workbook”.
4. The standard “Save As” dialog box appears. Navigate your machine or network to where you wish to save your file, give the file a new name as desired, select other onscreen options as desired, then click “Save” to save a copy of your workbook.
Even though Excel 2007 claims the workbook will be “fully compatible with Excel 97-2003”, some problems may arise, especially if you use themes, new functions, or others new features inherent to Excel 2007.