SUMMARY: Illustrate how to use a software program or web service by adding a screenshot into your PowerPoint 2010 presentation.
In previous versions of PowerPoint you would need an external screen capture software package. However, PowerPoint 2010 lets you capture screenshots with just a couple of clicks:
1. Click the “Insert” tab in the Ribbon.
2. In the “Images” group, click the “Screenshot” button.
3. Underneath the button you should see “Available Windows” and thumbnails of windows you can grab. Just click on a representation to insert the screenshot into the current slide.
Inserting a screenshot into a PowerPoint 2010 presentation
If you want to grab just a portion of a window or the Desktop, click the “Screen Clipping” link. The PowerPoint window temporarily disappears, the screen whitens, then the cursor turns into a cross. Left-click on the top-left corner of your capture area and keep the mouse button held down, then move to the bottom-right portion of the capture area and release the button.
Defining a Screen Clipping area to be inserted into a PowerPoint 2010 presentation
While this feature is useful, there are some circumstances where you may need an external screen capture software package. Not every window can be captured, and this feature does not grab the mouse pointer.