Summary: Count the number of words, paragraphs, lines, or pages that make up your Microsoft Word 2003 document.
Curious to know how many words make up your Microsoft Word 2003 document? How about pages, paragraphs, or lines? For scholastic types, this information may be useful if you are doing a book report or essay. Professional writers or budding columnists may need this information before sending their works to an editor.
To display the word count, click “Tools” – “Word Count”. A “Word Count” dialog box will appear.
* Note that footnote and endnote text is not tabulated in the word count. To change this, check “Include footnotes and endnotes”.
* Need to keep this information onscreen at all times? Click the “Show toolbar” button. A “Word Count” toolbar will appear displaying the total word count. Note that this information will not automatically recalculate – you must click the “Recount” button for the accurate total. Also, if you need the line count, page count, etc., just click the toolbar’s pull-down to display all relative information.
Note that you don’t have to display the word, paragraph, line, and page counts for the entire document. You can also select a portion of the document, then click “Tools” – “Word Count” or click the “Recount” button of the “Word Count” toolbar if it is visible.