Remove Text Formatting, Highlighting, and Styles

UMMARY: A 3-part tip to removing all formatting, highlighting, and style from a selected block of text.

While editing a complex Microsoft Word 2010 document, you might have a section of text (or the entire document) that contains what you now feel are extraneous formatting (bold, fonts, underlines, etc), styles (such as headings), and highlights.

Removing all of these is a simple process:

1. Highlight / select the text to modify or press Ctrl + A to highlight the entire document.

2. To remove text formatting, click the “Home” tab in the Ribbon, and then in the “Font” section, click the “Clear Formatting” button. Or, just press Ctrl + Space.

Clearing text formatting in Microsoft Word 2010

3. To remove highlights, from the same section of the Ribbon’s “Home” tab, click the “Text Highlight Color” button / pull-down and select “No Color”.

Removing text highlights in Microsoft Word 2010

4. To remove other styles and change the text back to the “Normal” style, in the same “Home” tab, in the “Styles” section, click the “Normal” button. Or, just press Ctrl + Shift + N.

Changing text back to the “Normal” style in Microsoft Word 2010